Thursday, December 25, 2008

We are in November.....

Madison looking so pretty.....
We spent the night before Thanksgiving at Papa's and Weebo had eggs for breakfast.
Noah loves his blocks...He stuffs everything down the whole that the balls are supposed to pop out of...even my cell phone that I looked for for weeks!!! I did look through all his toys, but not IN them...

At Thanksgiving ....

Making smores at Judy's...

Noah is a stunt rider!!...with no pants!!

Noah LOVES to sit in the drawer in the kitchen....??? :) I just keep the drawer empty so he can do his thing. He can ALWAYS find something to do.

Tea and Madison are cheerleaders at Holloman. They did a parade for Veteran's Day. Papa walked with them the whole way adn video taped them. They are pretty good!!

WEEBO THROWS FITS!!!! It is so funny. He is really so hurt if he doesn't get HIS way. He just doesn't understand--no. He covers his mouth and just screams. He doesn't do it a lot, but it is funny. I have to look away so he doesn't think I don't value his "peelings"--Kerry used to say that when she was a baby.

This is Noah waiting for the girls to get back from the parade Papa took them to, so we could eat. He was getting a little delirious!

Noah playing at the table...there is no way he can ever just sit there...

October was fun!!!

MaDiSoN with a friend...

Tea with Nina at a party...

The Beltrans, Orlando and Yvonne, Nina's parents at the party..

The kids dancing ....

This makes me laugh...weebo just eating....with a carrot in his hair.

Weebo was Charlie Brown....He went to one house and fell right here, so that was the end of him walking!!! Tea something scary.

Our neighbors, who we went trick-or-treating with.

Madison Tinkerbell is getting her face painted at a Halloween party we went to on "kiddie disco" night at the club on base. We ALL got food poisoning and vomited for days!!!

This is Judy, Rachael's mom. She really has short blonde hair, but you can tell it's her b/c of the beer in her hand!! :) Judy is my savior who took care of Tea and Madison until I got back from Las Cruces twice a week.

Weebo loves the puppies.....his love is their torture!!:) Ms. Beagley gets fed one morsel at a time....


Sept cont....some short- takes

Here are the girls on a ride to see papa!!
Weebo taking a break from the hustle of turning 1!

Weebo after I washed all the chocolate out of his ears....

Some kids on our street playing at our house. School t-shirts on Fridays!!

Rachael, our adopted daughter, who sleeps next door with Weebs.

September in a nutshell...

As you can see I became pretty busy when school started and need to go back a few months for catch-up....The biggest thing that happened was that Noah started walking and turned one!! He is....a spirited little boy. He is also very cuddly and loveable. He has the greatest laugh. He loves to brush his teeth... and he loves fruit.

Ummm...the movie "Transformers" came to base, so Kelly took the girls out to the hanger.

Tea had some funky eye "issue".......

Noah turns 1!!!!!!!

Noah rides in his "big boy" car seat--even though he isn't supposed to... I think it's safer than the carrier thing. He's snug and in tight....

What a cutie!!! Kerry gets a car!!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Past Few Weeks.....

The past few weeks have been a couple of the most stressful ever!!! The week after we moved to Holloman I started looking for child care. It is so incredibly hard to find only part time care for kids! All facilities want the money from a full time child to fill their slots. I thought I had childcare for all three kids a few weeks before I finalized my classes. AFTER I finished registration I went back to verify and give my hours for childcare. I found out I had no childcare!!! This was a little over a week until classes started. The race was on......I must have made over 150 phone calls, and spent one of my kids college accounts on gas running around trying to find care.

NOAH----I had a decent daycare all set up. Then, they informed me they put me on the waiting list only because if they had full time children they would get his spot!!! I was not happy. I went back and forth with them. They said they couldn't give me an answer until the Monday school started!!!! Who in their right mind would agree to that! So the search began again to find another center. Phone call after phone call..."Sorry....Sorry....Sorry..." Then, I thought I found the PERFECT place! NOOOO!! I was willing to pay the outrageous fee for my precious little Weebo. I went to sign him Las Cruces. I packed up Noah to find a center that barely (I say none...) had air conditioning, nasty dusty carpet, 60's decor, weeds everywhere, paint chipping, and a tiny little room for the price of a 4 star resort. I was really crying. I could not leave my sweet baby there. I decided to get some school business done and on the third trip back to Las Cruces decided to stop by the original daycare center. I guess going back in person did the trick...It was the Friday before school started, I was on my last mental leg, and they held a conference with the director, ...HE WAS IN!!! One down, two to go....

TEA & MADISON----I had been to the Youth Center on base numerous times gettting information and sign up packets. Everything was set. I decided to check back in the week before school started after the mess finding Noah care. And wuddya know?? Tea and Madison have been kicked off the list as well. They weren't even on the list!!!! You do not know my mental state at this point. I didn't either. I got a little firm with the receptionist as to why there is no childcare available on base after going home and calling every person on base that has after school care and calling ALL the childcare centers downtown...including The Boys and Girls Club of America. Alamogordo does not service the base. I even called the licensing bureau to see if I missed anything. One person on base had no idea that you had to have a car seat for your kids!!!! Everyone else was full. I called the Youth Center again. They LOVE me....:) The main person there said to bring them on Monday!!!! It was unbelievable. I had childcare for all three kids!!!!

Monday I went to school, Noah went to his school, and the girls went to the Youth Center. I had the biggest sense of relief. It was sooo short lived. The bill for T &M was over 400.00!! I was confused....Two hours, twice a week...She thought they were, all of a sudden, for some reason full time. I told her no, so she said they had no room for parttime and they couldn't go there!!!! I can't even tell you how I felt. Mental ward was looking like a possibility.... Actually, a sure thing. I really felt so utterly defeated. But I have found some really good friends here and they now watch Tea and Madison for me after school. I provide snack for all the kids and they play until I get home. God REALLY REALLY likes to keep me on my toes.

The situation with Kerry is another story.....I'll have to write about that one when its not after midnight and my adrenaline is back down. Just to raise it again.....

Well, tomorrow starts another week, and after church I may be ready for it!! I need some sleep. I have some pictures of our trip to Cloudcroft with Bob for tomorrow....

The Bestest New Shoes....Not!

Noah got new shoes!!! And...he absolutely hates them. I have never made Weebs wear shoes because he hates anything on his feet, head, and/or body, but with winter approaching and Noah almost's time. We put his shoes on for an outing with Papa and to go to a BBQ at the neighbors. You can see from the pictures that he was sooo happy to have them on :( He was crawling around trying to take them off while screaming. He got one off and just kept pulling at the other one. It was so funny, but not at the same time. Poor baby....even wearing shoes is a milestone. He did wear them the rest of the day...well, he had at least one on at any given moment the rest of the day. When I'm at school, the daycare takes the babies that can walk outside, so if he wants to go, he better wear his shoes!! They have the tiniest play equipment I've ever seen just for his class. It is so cute!

The School Carnival

Madison & Madison....
Tea & Rachel...
Madison had to do bubbles!!!